Oh hai there. So kind of you to come here. First off, if you are a kpop anti, SHOO. Yes that's all. I'm a very dedicated Shawol (shinee fan) and Blackjack (2ne1 fan). And I spazz about The Hunger Games (THG) alot, too. Crazy fangirl, that's me.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Blogspot's layouts!
I still not satisfied leh, plus customisation is SO HARD and frustrating I've given up. I mean sure, the chicks are kyopta, but it's not personalised enough. Hoo boy. I'm now officially addicted to being unique. It had to happen some day. But damn, it's just SO DARN FRUSTRATING someone give me an instruction manual... Ugh. The next time you come back I'll probably change back to the stars. Or you just happen to be lucky enough to come in the crazy period of botched up layouts. Ah well.
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was a big, big, big day! (Effie Trinket's initials are ET. Just realised that). And I had a chocolate cake with a hell lotta icing. Jk. But it looked like vanilla, no hint of being a chocolate cake. :P And we put it in the top compartment so the grapes froze completely and the strawberries were friggin' cold! Plus the layer of fruit in the middle was frozen solid and I had to murder the cake to cut it through. XD new cake concept. So unique, I like it. Oh no, I've officially put a tick in normal teenage behaviour: Liking to be unique. Also what Key still does. My mother didn't know how old I was. The salesgirl gave us a spare small candle (did I mention that she guessed that I was twelve on first try?) and she assumed I was 13. I almost told her that I wasn't Korean. And the cake was friggin hard tocut cos my maid kept at the top compartment. When I bit into a grape it was all ice. My strawberry was SOURRRRR and cold till I couldn't take the combo. I ken the sour one, my father got the delicious one. -.-" haiz. I got alot of birthday presents at random times of the year so idk. Won't mention them. Ah boy, now I wish I just had this space for all my kpop stuff without my father forbidding me from liking kpop. My posters are huge. Sigh. On optimistic side, the cake was delicious. :D
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Aegyo: the act of talking childishly-ish and being veeeeeeery cute. 'Nuff said.
Minzy's killer cuteness! You can watch the rest if you want. It's hilarious. :D
BWAHAHAHA Sunyeon cuteness. Notice how Onew's choking out the word 'kyopta' (cute) haha... (peiyi if you're reading this banish all those thoughts from your brain.)
*screeeeeaaaam*!!! "Throw her out of the car!!"
Idk if this is counted. But it's funny! Heh.
Don't get freaked Minho's not always like that (but still LOL.) he was asked to do this for a show. End of his Flaming charisma image in a few seconds. Kekeke.
Minzy's killer cuteness! You can watch the rest if you want. It's hilarious. :D
BWAHAHAHA Sunyeon cuteness. Notice how Onew's choking out the word 'kyopta' (cute) haha... (peiyi if you're reading this banish all those thoughts from your brain.)
*screeeeeaaaam*!!! "Throw her out of the car!!"
Idk if this is counted. But it's funny! Heh.
Don't get freaked Minho's not always like that (but still LOL.) he was asked to do this for a show. End of his Flaming charisma image in a few seconds. Kekeke.
There's no difference!! Pfft. Okay, in Verdana. Cos I like Verdana second. In the previews that is. Hmph.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Hunger Games fanarts

P.S. You gotta admit, the bow and outfit and everything screams Robin Hood. Slap on a feathered cap and she's done.

Gale. Probably preparing a trap. Heh, it's hard to adjust to Gale being an archer after not having read the first book for so long (and I want it !! D:<). Anyways, best fanart of him everrr. Seriously. It's the bomb. Burdgebug's the bomb. Or her drawings are.
All right. Immature idiotic Singaporean Primary school guys... turn away. Stop screeching 'eee' already. Boys aren't meant to be that high even if you're an idiot. All right. Yeah I like this one her favourite character's Peeta so yeah. She still made sth awesome out of a GalexKatniss scene. Priceless.

Gale, Peeta, Finnick. Burdgebug stuck to drawing the good-looking guys. Naow, that ain't fair, is it? Beetee's trap did get them out of the QQ arena (not cute-cute arena. Quarter Quell arena).

Snow, Cinna, Haymitch. Just for your info. In case you're not a Hunger Games fan.
Snow's not pure in THG. Oh noez. Snow is a cruel president and tortures his citizens. *evil laughter* And roses are his symbol. White roses. So, Suzanne Collins apparently has taken every symbol of innocence and perfection and twisted them into the all-time best baddie. *applause*
I didn't really like this one. Her face is...well... weird, in a way. And the dress might be *awesome* really nice but it doesn't have that sparkle (*.*) gemstones are bound to create.
link, in case you're interested in the high quality version.

Boo-yah. That's fanart for you, people.

Flaming Charisma #2 and #3! ;) I like #1 the best of course XD

Gale. Probably preparing a trap. Heh, it's hard to adjust to Gale being an archer after not having read the first book for so long (and I want it !! D:<). Anyways, best fanart of him everrr. Seriously. It's the bomb. Burdgebug's the bomb. Or her drawings are.
All right. Immature idiotic Singaporean Primary school guys... turn away. Stop screeching 'eee' already. Boys aren't meant to be that high even if you're an idiot. All right. Yeah I like this one her favourite character's Peeta so yeah. She still made sth awesome out of a GalexKatniss scene. Priceless.

Gale, Peeta, Finnick. Burdgebug stuck to drawing the good-looking guys. Naow, that ain't fair, is it? Beetee's trap did get them out of the QQ arena (not cute-cute arena. Quarter Quell arena).

Snow, Cinna, Haymitch. Just for your info. In case you're not a Hunger Games fan.
Snow's not pure in THG. Oh noez. Snow is a cruel president and tortures his citizens. *evil laughter* And roses are his symbol. White roses. So, Suzanne Collins apparently has taken every symbol of innocence and perfection and twisted them into the all-time best baddie. *applause*

link, in case you're interested in the high quality version.

Boo-yah. That's fanart for you, people.

Flaming Charisma #2 and #3! ;) I like #1 the best of course XD
Wish I have one large cup full of it now. Haiz, it's so warm is S'pore these days. And I just borrowed a whole pile of libr. books I've yet to tackle. Ma-an. Dawn came back from Korea, and she got me To Anyone!! Chuuu~~! 2ne1's first album... I'm wearing it out, played it sooo many times. Whews. Came with a free poster but I got the exact same photo on my phone. Big deal! I still like it.
Go search for me if ya want. I wonder what's with those random followers. Don't know who they are but they keep coming till I boot them off. I wish WISHWISHWISH they'd increase the character count; not being able to spazz without splitting my post up and deleting vital (but not crucial) words from my post!!!
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Hope it's gonna be like this from now on.
im the dormant one rite?
huh? yeah not just you lah....
haha but mine the most 1-3h one reply hahahahaha.
can't disagree, hehe..
hehe cos im playing games.
or watching tv hahah:0 or studying...:).
nth just kinda surprised kekeke.
lol haha.
haha lol.
huh? yeah not just you lah....
haha but mine the most 1-3h one reply hahahahaha.
can't disagree, hehe..
hehe cos im playing games.
or watching tv hahah:0 or studying...:).
nth just kinda surprised kekeke.
lol haha.
haha lol.
Background change...?
What do you think? Okay, so I may just have a grand total of one person who checks my blog... why the shit am I talking like it's otherwise, I don't know. Just bored, I guess... Haymitch and Chaff drown their sorrows in drink, mine in f(x). I certainly would be depressed further if listening to any other band. Even SNSD. Cos right now, I've entered...nah, slipped off the deep end. wondering if I should continue my self-taught Korean? Wouldn't hurt. But I'm bound to absorb damn little... perhaps resorting to crazier sources of korean would be safer. Idk, look, the topic's gone so awry. Currently my background are those hand-drawn stars. I like it, simple, not glaring, creative. So many different ways to draw a star. But I'm kinda bored right now and am very sick of anything cliché so, yeah, just another element part of the depression package. Guess I should change... should I? I know where to find it so I can always change back later... Oh, who cares, I'm changing it. Argh. I can't wait for Nadya or Pei Yi to come back sia... Blegh. Sometimes, holidays can suck. Alot.
Lonely, tired, self-pitying, bored...
Sighz. So many of my friends overseas, and those in Singapore... are hibernating. They NEVER reply to my messages. That or reply very shortly and I can't carry a proper conversation. AHHH I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR SIA!!!!!!
Friday, 17 December 2010
Chocolate-covered sunflower seeds
So delicious. I love em. Am eating a handful now (again). Can't seem to stop eating... I'm not considered fat but will gain a few kilos after this holiday for sure. As if I care.

Whatever you call it, kawaii, kyopta, squee, cute, 可爱, adorable, or just plain cooing over it to show what you mean, baby or small animals just have the crazy power to make most humans go gooey. In wardly or outwardly. They're just so darn irresistably cute.. Period.
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Camp news!
YAYAYAYAYAYAY I'M BACKKKKKK. Missed me? Haha. I didn't blog sooner because I was lazy (as usual). Brief accounts on what happened:
Day 1:
Before I left was chionging like mad as usual. Thought I'd left my wallet back home and I swear I ran the house with a fine-toothed comb. Didn't find it, duh, because my wallet was ALREADY IN MY BAG. Forgetful, aren't I?
Had to cook our own lunch (please do not think sick). We had a budget of a midgety $14 to buy all the stuff we needed. We overshot like siao. $16+ leh!
You won't believe how FREAKING HARD it is to light ONE LOUSY PIECE OF SOLID FUEL. It drove me mad. So many juniors were way too chicken to light the matches. Well, stuff them. I lit the matches but was rubbish at lighting the block. So I was basically cursing like a fiend. My junior once asked me why I said so many bad words. I told her:"Cos I'm very vulgar. Don't learn from me." And did the two-fingered salute to her. She looked kinda stunned. My dear, this is life. I had no idea the third generation (they were all P4s) was so damn pure. I certainly didn't censor walao or idiot at 10. I wonder how many times we washed the shell macaroni things? A few hundred at least. If you've watched Shinee's hello baby... and laughed at Taemin breaking down the apple... you'll die laughing at how we grated--er, sliced the apple for the salad. Teeny pieces and gigantic chunks. Which I proceeded to chop into teenier pieces. I could've sworn that I was doing it on purpose... Reedeeculouz. It tasted okay though. To moi and moi alone. The rest got freaked by the whole bottle of mayo we used... ^^ Improvised with tofu+egg, and abit of oil. Hehehehehe. Just cut up the tub of tofu and dumped it into the pan. Then poured in (too much)oil. And dumped in two bowls of the whipped eggs. Four eggs in total, the oothe two got knocked over. Mdm Afifah was hinting that we were stupid to try but it tasted great so HA! It was okay as a whole.
I can't remember anything else. That night's dinner was rice with chicken wing and some egg. And chilli. I can never get why so many people hate cucumber. But they dump it all to me, so it's not like I'm complaining. And we watched Up. Nope, can't remember anything else. The rest was basically random crap... oh yeah, the scavenger hunt thing. My plastic bag got snatched by a monkey. And my fellow P6 in the group got spooked by the heights so Yumi and I had to stand at both her sides. After Henderson's Wave, there was a vending machine... one P4 girl was trying to buy a drink with her $2 note but the stupid machine wouldn't accept them. Must've been spoilt.
Day 1:
Before I left was chionging like mad as usual. Thought I'd left my wallet back home and I swear I ran the house with a fine-toothed comb. Didn't find it, duh, because my wallet was ALREADY IN MY BAG. Forgetful, aren't I?
Had to cook our own lunch (please do not think sick). We had a budget of a midgety $14 to buy all the stuff we needed. We overshot like siao. $16+ leh!
You won't believe how FREAKING HARD it is to light ONE LOUSY PIECE OF SOLID FUEL. It drove me mad. So many juniors were way too chicken to light the matches. Well, stuff them. I lit the matches but was rubbish at lighting the block. So I was basically cursing like a fiend. My junior once asked me why I said so many bad words. I told her:"Cos I'm very vulgar. Don't learn from me." And did the two-fingered salute to her. She looked kinda stunned. My dear, this is life. I had no idea the third generation (they were all P4s) was so damn pure. I certainly didn't censor walao or idiot at 10. I wonder how many times we washed the shell macaroni things? A few hundred at least. If you've watched Shinee's hello baby... and laughed at Taemin breaking down the apple... you'll die laughing at how we grated--er, sliced the apple for the salad. Teeny pieces and gigantic chunks. Which I proceeded to chop into teenier pieces. I could've sworn that I was doing it on purpose... Reedeeculouz. It tasted okay though. To moi and moi alone. The rest got freaked by the whole bottle of mayo we used... ^^ Improvised with tofu+egg, and abit of oil. Hehehehehe. Just cut up the tub of tofu and dumped it into the pan. Then poured in (too much)oil. And dumped in two bowls of the whipped eggs. Four eggs in total, the oothe two got knocked over. Mdm Afifah was hinting that we were stupid to try but it tasted great so HA! It was okay as a whole.
I can't remember anything else. That night's dinner was rice with chicken wing and some egg. And chilli. I can never get why so many people hate cucumber. But they dump it all to me, so it's not like I'm complaining. And we watched Up. Nope, can't remember anything else. The rest was basically random crap... oh yeah, the scavenger hunt thing. My plastic bag got snatched by a monkey. And my fellow P6 in the group got spooked by the heights so Yumi and I had to stand at both her sides. After Henderson's Wave, there was a vending machine... one P4 girl was trying to buy a drink with her $2 note but the stupid machine wouldn't accept them. Must've been spoilt.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Going to camp. Going to take loadsa pictures and cackle over it. It's Brownies camp this year and we usually have a damn fun time. At P3, it was in school. P4, in Malaysia. P5, in Malaysia. This year, supposed to be in Vietnam but it was too expensive... AND miss heng went and released the news way too late and most people already had plans. Only four people were able to go. And of course I was one of them. But, as anyone can guess... four's way too pathetic a number. So, trip was cancelled. -.-" Of course, Tao Nan was never famous for its skills in arranging any events, was it? Nope, might be infamous instead. Terrible. But then again, it's good in many other ways. Just don't expect the school to arrange anything for us after PSLE. Unless you count sitting in the classroom growing fungus as fun, and an activity. Gives 'turning green' a new meaning, doesn't it?
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Writer's block!!
Ack. Don't you just hate it? You're feeling like updating your blog and suddenly the source dries up. Until the source drying up has become your topic. Pathetic, huh? Currently I'm beyond caring, as per normal I never do whenever I'm doing something else more important. Like watching some show on Youtube. Kekeke.
I wonder what style I should take on for my blog. Obviously I can't do one of those which spazz about one thing only... I spazz about three. And I'm waaaay too lazy to make three different blogs. The work I'll have to do! Even something I like to do, three times over is tantamount to torture. Well, for this point of time, now, it does. I'll go one hiatus for ages! Strange, why do I get the feeling I'll be doing this in the near future, secondary school, say... minus the hiatus. Oh well, leave it till then. I don't know if I can just post videos and stuff, it gets boring after awhile... but it's not like this blog can be purely about what's happening in my life, I can't talk about myself so often and it'll probably bore all of you to death... my life isn't ineresting, it's hectic. It was hectic. Now I'm just lazy to do anything much. Photo blogging, I don't have the 'talent' to choose good ones... so... I guess it'll be a mix of everything. And it's not going to be very attractive. But it's me. I do what I want with my blog and I'm not attractive... Back to SHINee, I think the video should've loaded fully or at least most of it by now.
I wonder what style I should take on for my blog. Obviously I can't do one of those which spazz about one thing only... I spazz about three. And I'm waaaay too lazy to make three different blogs. The work I'll have to do! Even something I like to do, three times over is tantamount to torture. Well, for this point of time, now, it does. I'll go one hiatus for ages! Strange, why do I get the feeling I'll be doing this in the near future, secondary school, say... minus the hiatus. Oh well, leave it till then. I don't know if I can just post videos and stuff, it gets boring after awhile... but it's not like this blog can be purely about what's happening in my life, I can't talk about myself so often and it'll probably bore all of you to death... my life isn't ineresting, it's hectic. It was hectic. Now I'm just lazy to do anything much. Photo blogging, I don't have the 'talent' to choose good ones... so... I guess it'll be a mix of everything. And it's not going to be very attractive. But it's me. I do what I want with my blog and I'm not attractive... Back to SHINee, I think the video should've loaded fully or at least most of it by now.
Awesome, and it's even filmed by fans! I swear it could've been made by lionsgate themselves. Who won't at least feel sniffy at this?! And I wonder where they got the Mockingjay pin... hell I really, REALLY want one. Read the book first though. It's one of the all-time best books ever, trust me. The video is made by someone under the username of MainstayPro, and I can't remember all of the actors' names. But I think the director's name is John Lydes. This video was featured on mockingjay.net, a Hunger Games fansite.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Girl-almost-catatonic-with-joy occasion
I got 271 in PSLE. End of story. Of course i was freaking happy, who wouldn't be?! Just currently weathering the cons that come with a high aggregate score. I still can remember when my name was flashed on the screen... I was like thinking, "If my name was up there I'd be freaking happy. But nah, that won't happen." I was just expecting Shiqi or Aloysius or Jian Kai to get first, then was talking to Pei Yi or someone about sth I can't remember... then suddenly someone(s) started screaming: "Oh my god Yu Ying it's you!!!" I screamed. I think I've gotten into the habit of screaming. I tried duplicating my scream just now, one very high pitched and loud "Oh my god!!" Yes, it was loud. Very loud. I was the only one who shrieked, I think... I started regretting not paying attention to others because i had no idea what to do. Just ran up and collected the certificate. Gripped Kah Leng's hand on the way back, and she seemed genuinely happy for me. Not like someone... Enough about her though.
I was hysterical then but now, not so much. Everything has its pros and cons, right? Right now I'm living the 130% curse and 11% cause of high expectations. 130% blessing shall come later. Some things happened... dampened my mood even further... I can't comfort anyone; my marks are too high, they'll get even more self-pitied. And I can't very well go around reminding people of what they're missing out on, can I? Honestly, I'm just satisfied if I can get 267 and give away my 4 points to someone who deserves it more... and I get into Nanyang, what else do I need? Well I shouldn't be thinking like this, I guess... I just can't help it. Yesh I know I'm sounding like an ungrateful brat, but... noone's ever satisfied with their lot, are they? It's always 'I want this...' 'Ooh no, I want that'. Being contented is the closest we can ever get to satisfied... you may think they're the same. The dictionary may tell you so. But seriously, they're not. Not at all. Life can't be defined with a dictionary, can it?
Well, not when you're not acting smart that is.
I was hysterical then but now, not so much. Everything has its pros and cons, right? Right now I'm living the 130% curse and 11% cause of high expectations. 130% blessing shall come later. Some things happened... dampened my mood even further... I can't comfort anyone; my marks are too high, they'll get even more self-pitied. And I can't very well go around reminding people of what they're missing out on, can I? Honestly, I'm just satisfied if I can get 267 and give away my 4 points to someone who deserves it more... and I get into Nanyang, what else do I need? Well I shouldn't be thinking like this, I guess... I just can't help it. Yesh I know I'm sounding like an ungrateful brat, but... noone's ever satisfied with their lot, are they? It's always 'I want this...' 'Ooh no, I want that'. Being contented is the closest we can ever get to satisfied... you may think they're the same. The dictionary may tell you so. But seriously, they're not. Not at all. Life can't be defined with a dictionary, can it?
Well, not when you're not acting smart that is.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Shining SHINee!
It's pretty clear by now that SHINee is at the top of my Loves list. They are, and for very good reasons. Any Shawol will tell you the same: they are very 帅, they have awesome voices, very good dancing and lots of people even take their characters into consideration... One word: Awesome. Two words: The best. Cos I'll be talking alot about them...just in case you can't catch up... pay attention to the rest of this post...
Onew,온유 aka Lee Jinki,이진기

Super cute right? Haha.
Position: Leader
Birthdate: 14 Dec 1989
What you call his fans: MVPs (moi)
Age in 2010: 21 internationally; in Korea (where they add a year once you are born),22
Onew's my bias, so don't be surprised if I'm spazzing more about him.
Choi Minho, 최민호

Pei Yi's bias. Am not allowed and would not want to write anything negative about him.
Postion: Rap & vocal
Nickname: Flaming Charisma Minho
Birthdate:9 Dec 1991
What you call his fans: Flames
Age in 2010:19 internationally; 20 in Korea.
Kim Jonghyun, 김종현

Mavis's bias. Ditto. Apparently he's the cause of global warming.
Position: Lead vocal
Nickname: Bling bling Jonghyun
Birthdate: 8 April 1990
What you call his fans: Blingers
Age in 2010: 20 internationally; 21 in Korea
Kim Kibum, 김기범, aka Key, 키

Susila's bias, and in her words, "Key is awesome!!"
Position: Rap & vocal
Nickname: Almighty Key
Birthdate: 23 Sep, 1991
What you call his fans: Lockets
Age in 2010: 19 internationally; 20 in Korea
Lee Taemin, 이태민

The very definition of 'pretty boy'. I know noone who has him as a bias even though he seems to be very popular...
Position: Lead dancer
Nickname: Maknae Taemin (maknae=youngest member)
Birthdate: 18 July, 1993
What you call his fans: Mints (a rare breed in my social circle)
Age in 2010: 17 internationally; 18 in Korea
Next time you don't understand what the hell I'm talking about run back to this post. Hopefully you'll understand. Likely you'll still not. One thing you have to remember is that I'm one crazy fangirl. Most of my friends can confirm that. Yesterday, Pei Yi was playing the Hello live at Music Core, she paused at Minho while I was talking,then at Onew. She claims that "When YY sees Minho, she starts laughing. When she sees Onew, she can't even talk!" I'm still suspicious if it's true or not.
Onew,온유 aka Lee Jinki,이진기

Super cute right? Haha.
Position: Leader
Birthdate: 14 Dec 1989
What you call his fans: MVPs (moi)
Age in 2010: 21 internationally; in Korea (where they add a year once you are born),22
Onew's my bias, so don't be surprised if I'm spazzing more about him.
Choi Minho, 최민호

Pei Yi's bias. Am not allowed and would not want to write anything negative about him.
Postion: Rap & vocal
Nickname: Flaming Charisma Minho
Birthdate:9 Dec 1991
What you call his fans: Flames
Age in 2010:19 internationally; 20 in Korea.
Kim Jonghyun, 김종현

Mavis's bias. Ditto. Apparently he's the cause of global warming.
Position: Lead vocal
Nickname: Bling bling Jonghyun
Birthdate: 8 April 1990
What you call his fans: Blingers
Age in 2010: 20 internationally; 21 in Korea
Kim Kibum, 김기범, aka Key, 키

Susila's bias, and in her words, "Key is awesome!!"
Position: Rap & vocal
Nickname: Almighty Key
Birthdate: 23 Sep, 1991
What you call his fans: Lockets
Age in 2010: 19 internationally; 20 in Korea
Lee Taemin, 이태민

The very definition of 'pretty boy'. I know noone who has him as a bias even though he seems to be very popular...
Position: Lead dancer
Nickname: Maknae Taemin (maknae=youngest member)
Birthdate: 18 July, 1993
What you call his fans: Mints (a rare breed in my social circle)
Age in 2010: 17 internationally; 18 in Korea
Next time you don't understand what the hell I'm talking about run back to this post. Hopefully you'll understand. Likely you'll still not. One thing you have to remember is that I'm one crazy fangirl. Most of my friends can confirm that. Yesterday, Pei Yi was playing the Hello live at Music Core, she paused at Minho while I was talking,then at Onew. She claims that "When YY sees Minho, she starts laughing. When she sees Onew, she can't even talk!" I'm still suspicious if it's true or not.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Sunburnt outing
Today went out with frens... it was funnnnnnnn. First half of the day I was like blogging in the morn and slacking off... Then I went out early so can get to Parkway top up my phone card. I hatez my pwepaid card. Was super pissed when I remembered the last time I came at the same time, the stupid Singtel was open only at damn late. Forgot about that. When I finally asked one of the staff, she told me they open at ELEVEN. Almost like one hour sia! Pacing around the shopping centre, listening to SHINee, then basically walking to Comics Connection and back again. It wasn't open but it was a destination anyway. I'm sure lots of people were surprised to see the same strange girl appearing at the same places so many times. Finally the damn Singtel opened and the woman I approached was the same member of staff who I asked when it was opening. I could tell that she recognised me. I wonder if she was at least surprised or wondering if I had been waiting since 10:06. I had.
At East Coast we rented the bikes for 3 hours. Used the time up alllll the way till the last minute LOL. At first we rented 3 different bikes and one for the student: learning how to ride bike for so long still as hopeless as me and swimming. In the end we gave up and traded two for a tandem bike... you know, the two-seater types. Crazy shaky time starting up the damn bike. We got ourselves beat up pretty bad, I crashed thrice on the tandem bike. Ended up have to push the bike back lorz. So tiring.
Then we just went down to the sand (had saved a plastic cup for sandcastles but no idea what happened to it. No idea what happened to the idea of building sandcastles.) for only a while, got our feet wet in the surf, then climbed up on one of those rock things which break the waves. Sat on the edge for who knows how long. Basically sitting there enjoying the wind (still remember its coolness and awesomeness)felt my cheeks get sunburnt. I dunno why we weren't bored to death but we weren't. I can only remember half our conversation now; mostly unimportant stuff. After a while I got bored and decided to blast some SHINee songs... mmhmm, I do know that I'm fanatic, thank you very much. Kept screaming and saying, "There! There! You see, that brown/white/black thing this big--" *indicates size* "On that brown rock..." "Which brown rock? There are alot you know." Without my glasses I couldn't see the crabs, bugs, or whatever else. Except the rats (mice? nah, I think they were rats) which were veryveryvery cute. Only discovered there were two when one disappeared in one hole and the other came out of another at the same time... I suspected there were two just before that, but the rat (mouse?) could've been one fast rodent. But it wasn't and there really were two rats (mice?)So fun, Wish I can go again. I suddenly missing my xiamen trip... haiz...
At East Coast we rented the bikes for 3 hours. Used the time up alllll the way till the last minute LOL. At first we rented 3 different bikes and one for the student: learning how to ride bike for so long still as hopeless as me and swimming. In the end we gave up and traded two for a tandem bike... you know, the two-seater types. Crazy shaky time starting up the damn bike. We got ourselves beat up pretty bad, I crashed thrice on the tandem bike. Ended up have to push the bike back lorz. So tiring.
Then we just went down to the sand (had saved a plastic cup for sandcastles but no idea what happened to it. No idea what happened to the idea of building sandcastles.) for only a while, got our feet wet in the surf, then climbed up on one of those rock things which break the waves. Sat on the edge for who knows how long. Basically sitting there enjoying the wind (still remember its coolness and awesomeness)felt my cheeks get sunburnt. I dunno why we weren't bored to death but we weren't. I can only remember half our conversation now; mostly unimportant stuff. After a while I got bored and decided to blast some SHINee songs... mmhmm, I do know that I'm fanatic, thank you very much. Kept screaming and saying, "There! There! You see, that brown/white/black thing this big--" *indicates size* "On that brown rock..." "Which brown rock? There are alot you know." Without my glasses I couldn't see the crabs, bugs, or whatever else. Except the rats (mice? nah, I think they were rats) which were veryveryvery cute. Only discovered there were two when one disappeared in one hole and the other came out of another at the same time... I suspected there were two just before that, but the rat (mouse?) could've been one fast rodent. But it wasn't and there really were two rats (mice?)So fun, Wish I can go again. I suddenly missing my xiamen trip... haiz...
Antis and exactly why I hate them
In the love-hate camps against kpop that the world is divided into, I'm planted firmly in the love camp. So can y' all do me a favour? I know you hate kpop as much as the next anti but stop bashing them and I'll stop bashing you. Of course those fans whose world revolves around their SNSD or SHINee or 2 pm or Kara and a hell lot more are irritating; especially those who love to dream, "If I ever met XXX, I'm sure he'll go out with me! We've got something special, I know it..." Yeah, you and roughly about a few million other similarly delusional girls. But what's so wrong with liking a particular type of music? Hell, to you they may look gay... too girly... freaky... but remind me, when's the last time you successfully converted a devoted Shawol/Blackjack/Sone/Kissme? I'm pretty darn sure the count is 0. And not counting. So shut up and just return to your little den, continue ranting-- to the wall. I'd say the wall has more wits and sense than you.
Nothing's wrong with hating kpop either; just don't take your hate out to the streets. You'll be dead within seconds. And what's up with the positively annoying attention whores who purposely go to their videos and start bashing our girls/boys like they're any better? You know what's the stupidest type of people in the world? People who harm others and don't even benefit themselves. If you hate the band, don't go and search their names in the search engine you idiot. Like I said, continue ranting to a wall or preferably fellow anti. Stop spamming the place with your insults. Greatly appreciate that, dear sir/madman/madwoman.
Moral of story? Rant; only to the wall, your teddy bear, or fellow anti. Rave, only to your posters on the wall. And knock it into your thick skull that no, he WON'T go out with you and you have no common fate whatsoever. Both extremes are equally, excruciatingly, annoying.
Nothing's wrong with hating kpop either; just don't take your hate out to the streets. You'll be dead within seconds. And what's up with the positively annoying attention whores who purposely go to their videos and start bashing our girls/boys like they're any better? You know what's the stupidest type of people in the world? People who harm others and don't even benefit themselves. If you hate the band, don't go and search their names in the search engine you idiot. Like I said, continue ranting to a wall or preferably fellow anti. Stop spamming the place with your insults. Greatly appreciate that, dear sir/madman/madwoman.
Moral of story? Rant; only to the wall, your teddy bear, or fellow anti. Rave, only to your posters on the wall. And knock it into your thick skull that no, he WON'T go out with you and you have no common fate whatsoever. Both extremes are equally, excruciatingly, annoying.
I know the things I type, the description, the format of my blog and just about everything else is conflicting. Serious and playful. Angry and cheerful. Etc. But let's just say that what I type is usually not what is occupying most of my thoughts. Like the previous post. I just got a seed of inspiration of sorts, then worked from there. I hadn't actually gone through a major tragedy or anything. And at that time I was mainly thinking about 2ne1's Go Away. Yesh, it's kpop again. I don't have major mood swings, don't you worry. I'm perfectly sane... Well, as sane as a 12 year old Singaporean can get.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
A Mockingjay caught in a whirlwind
Surreal. Very surreal. You can be above ground soaking up the sun, then suddenly. Lightning bolt? You appreciate the meaning of 'a bolt from the blue'. In a flash, you're swept up. Every word you're screaming is pulled from your mouth by the violent wind. Being pulled and dragged both ways, you feel like you're going to be ripped apart. If you're lucky enough to be blown to the eye of the hurricane, you find peace. But only awhile. All too soon, you're being pulled into the madness. Perhaps it'll be made worse by your temporary trip to relief. Then suddenly, it stops. Boom. Gone. You laugh, thinking it's all over. It was nothing. I survived! That's good. Thank God. I love lif-- Splash. You realise it was all a ruse. Underwater, that's where you are. Underwater and struggling. You either almost miss the hurricane ride or can't decide which is worse. Everything is robbed from you, replaced by one single element. It even robs you of your very breath. Struggling and alive. Unfortunately. Then after who knows how long, You reach ground. Grip the grass tightly. Drag yourself away. That is, only if you've fought enough. If not, you'll never reach land. Scared, petrified, traumatised. Until you slowly heal back again. Then you let your guard down; venture out again. Over and over. Wind. Water. Sun. But to enjoy the sun again, you have to go through the wind and water. Time and tide waits for no man. So what can you do? Clutch a life vest and suit of armour wherever you go, I guess. It's the best bet.
No more TNS
Graduation's passed. Tributes written and posted. Tears shed (none mine I assure you. I'm ultra stingy with mine). Autograph books hurried. Hugs hugged. outings arranged. Promises made. Will they be kept? Hate to sound cheesy, but really, only sister Time can tell you. For now, she's playfully holding back the answer. Words exchanged. Feelings expressed. Sadness felt. My three fingers are lifted to my lips, then held out in the direction of Tao Nan School. This is a gesture in THG, used to express goodbye. I'm leaving Tao Nan behind once and for all. I'll be back, I will, but it won't be the same anymore. This time in my personal history will fade eventually, but for now, they stay fresh. New. And I intend to keep it that way, for as long as possible.
Me. SYY. The ultra-crazy girl who just gave her Internet footprints a complete renovation. Because I ain't the girl I was, so I have to mold it to the now me. Expect alot of music in general, kpop and Sara B. in specifical, The Hunger Games, facebook, school, friends, rantings from the average soon-to-be teenager, and of course, never to forget my Onew and the whole of the awesome 2ne1 crew. :D Now you can't say I didn't warn you!! Mehrong~ :P Just so that you don't turn from this blog in disgust, I'll also warn you that my writing style can be anything, depressed, cheerfully girly (like now), spazztic (over the few topics you should know by now), very very chim (aka sophisticated? I dunno, keep a dictionary at hand, is all I'm saying.), infuriatingly shortformed and singlished, sentimantal/serious/emo (combined, you know, like "We can't change nature. But change IS nature." etc.), highly indignant (the idiots!! I hate racist people. Etc.). So now you know. Stick around; all these writing styles will be demonstrated some time or other. You won't be disappointed. For now, I'll be at my keyboard either manically typing or working through a dilemma. Might also be doing both or just reading THG fanfics.
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