Saturday, 20 November 2010

A Mockingjay caught in a whirlwind

Surreal. Very surreal. You can be above ground soaking up the sun, then suddenly. Lightning bolt? You appreciate the meaning of 'a bolt from the blue'. In a flash, you're swept up. Every word you're screaming is pulled from your mouth by the violent wind. Being pulled and dragged both ways, you feel like you're going to be ripped apart. If you're lucky enough to be blown to the eye of the hurricane, you find peace. But only awhile. All too soon, you're being pulled into the madness. Perhaps it'll be made worse by your temporary trip to relief. Then suddenly, it stops. Boom. Gone. You laugh, thinking it's all over. It was nothing. I survived! That's good. Thank God. I love lif-- Splash. You realise it was all a ruse. Underwater, that's where you are. Underwater and struggling. You either almost miss the hurricane ride or can't decide which is worse. Everything is robbed from you, replaced by one single element. It even robs you of your very breath. Struggling and alive. Unfortunately. Then after who knows how long, You reach ground. Grip the grass tightly. Drag yourself away. That is, only if you've fought enough. If not, you'll never reach land. Scared, petrified, traumatised. Until you slowly heal back again. Then you let your guard down; venture out again. Over and over. Wind. Water. Sun. But to enjoy the sun again, you have to go through the wind and water. Time and tide waits for no man. So what can you do? Clutch a life vest and suit of armour wherever you go, I guess. It's the best bet.

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