Saturday, 27 November 2010

Writer's block!!

Ack. Don't you just hate it? You're feeling like updating your blog and suddenly the source dries up. Until the source drying up has become your topic. Pathetic, huh? Currently I'm beyond caring, as per normal I never do whenever I'm doing something else more important. Like watching some show on Youtube. Kekeke.

I wonder what style I should take on for my blog. Obviously I can't do one of those which spazz about one thing only... I spazz about three. And I'm waaaay too lazy to make three different blogs. The work I'll have to do! Even something I like to do, three times over is tantamount to torture. Well, for this point of time, now, it does. I'll go one hiatus for ages! Strange, why do I get the feeling I'll be doing this in the near future, secondary school, say... minus the hiatus. Oh well, leave it till then. I don't know if I can just post videos and stuff, it gets boring after awhile... but it's not like this blog can be purely about what's happening in my life, I can't talk about myself so often and it'll probably bore all of you to death... my life isn't ineresting, it's hectic. It was hectic. Now I'm just lazy to do anything much. Photo blogging, I don't have the 'talent' to choose good ones... so... I guess it'll be a mix of everything. And it's not going to be very attractive. But it's me. I do what I want with my blog and I'm not attractive... Back to SHINee, I think the video should've loaded fully or at least most of it by now.

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