Saturday, 20 November 2010

No more TNS

Graduation's passed. Tributes written and posted. Tears shed (none mine I assure you. I'm ultra stingy with mine). Autograph books hurried. Hugs hugged. outings arranged. Promises made. Will they be kept? Hate to sound cheesy, but really, only sister Time can tell you. For now, she's playfully holding back the answer. Words exchanged. Feelings expressed. Sadness felt. My three fingers are lifted to my lips, then held out in the direction of Tao Nan School. This is a gesture in THG, used to express goodbye. I'm leaving Tao Nan behind once and for all. I'll be back, I will, but it won't be the same anymore. This time in my personal history will fade eventually, but for now, they stay fresh. New. And I intend to keep it that way, for as long as possible.

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