Wednesday, 1 December 2010


Going to camp. Going to take loadsa pictures and cackle over it. It's Brownies camp this year and we usually have a damn fun time. At P3, it was in school. P4, in Malaysia. P5, in Malaysia. This year, supposed to be in Vietnam but it was too expensive... AND miss heng went and released the news way too late and most people already had plans. Only four people were able to go. And of course I was one of them. But, as anyone can guess... four's way too pathetic a number. So, trip was cancelled. -.-" Of course, Tao Nan was never famous for its skills in arranging any events, was it? Nope, might be infamous instead. Terrible. But then again, it's good in many other ways. Just don't expect the school to arrange anything for us after PSLE. Unless you count sitting in the classroom growing fungus as fun, and an activity. Gives 'turning green' a new meaning, doesn't it?

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