Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Hunger Games fanarts

The District 12 tributes. Attractive but not to be trifled with. Wowzah. This burdgebug person on deviantart drew all of these fanarts and she is awesome. You have to admit that. Cos it's true, and you feel the same way. Don't bluff.

Cinna. He's like "What can I do with that girl?" (another deviantart user said this. I think it's true. He really does have this expression.) *whistle* talented. Burdgebug is talented.

Strong carrier-of-80-pund-flour-bags and wrestling champ (won his brother leh!! o.O) boy with the bread.

Robin Hood in girl. Jk. She's hardly perfect. I mean, look at all her imperfections. But still, Katniss is awesome.
P.S. You gotta admit, the bow and outfit and everything screams Robin Hood. Slap on a feathered cap and she's done.

Gale. Probably preparing a trap. Heh, it's hard to adjust to Gale being an archer after not having read the first book for so long (and I want it !! D:<). Anyways, best fanart of him everrr. Seriously. It's the bomb. Burdgebug's the bomb. Or her drawings are.

All right. Immature idiotic Singaporean Primary school guys... turn away. Stop screeching 'eee' already. Boys aren't meant to be that high even if you're an idiot. All right. Yeah I like this one her favourite character's Peeta so yeah. She still made sth awesome out of a GalexKatniss scene. Priceless.

Gale, Peeta, Finnick. Burdgebug stuck to drawing the good-looking guys. Naow, that ain't fair, is it? Beetee's trap did get them out of the QQ arena (not cute-cute arena. Quarter Quell arena).

Snow, Cinna, Haymitch. Just for your info. In case you're not a Hunger Games fan.
Snow's not pure in THG. Oh noez. Snow is a cruel president and tortures his citizens. *evil laughter* And roses are his symbol. White roses. So, Suzanne Collins apparently has taken every symbol of innocence and perfection and twisted them into the all-time best baddie. *applause*

I didn't really like this one. Her face is...well... weird, in a way. And the dress might be *awesome* really nice but it doesn't have that sparkle (*.*) gemstones are bound to create.

Excellent drawing...burdgebug has talent... Dang it it has to be so fuzzy and small and unclear.
link, in case you're interested in the high quality version.

Boo-yah. That's fanart for you, people.

Flaming Charisma #2 and #3! ;) I like #1 the best of course XD


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh please, this post is years old. And if you'd read the words, I never claimed ownership of these drawings. They're all credited to burdge-bug. The links are even working. Nice try, darling.

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