Saturday, 25 December 2010


Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was a big, big, big day! (Effie Trinket's initials are ET. Just realised that). And I had a chocolate cake with a hell lotta icing. Jk. But it looked like vanilla, no hint of being a chocolate cake. :P And we put it in the top compartment so the grapes froze completely and the strawberries were friggin' cold! Plus the layer of fruit in the middle was frozen solid and I had to murder the cake to cut it through. XD new cake concept. So unique, I like it. Oh no, I've officially put a tick in normal teenage behaviour: Liking to be unique. Also what Key still does. My mother didn't know how old I was. The salesgirl gave us a spare small candle (did I mention that she guessed that I was twelve on first try?) and she assumed I was 13. I almost told her that I wasn't Korean. And the cake was friggin hard tocut cos my maid kept at the top compartment. When I bit into a grape it was all ice. My strawberry was SOURRRRR and cold till I couldn't take the combo. I ken the sour one, my father got the delicious one. -.-" haiz. I got alot of birthday presents at random times of the year so idk. Won't mention them. Ah boy, now I wish I just had this space for all my kpop stuff without my father forbidding me from liking kpop. My posters are huge. Sigh. On optimistic side, the cake was delicious. :D

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