Girl with the amethyst eyes
Oh hai there. So kind of you to come here. First off, if you are a kpop anti, SHOO. Yes that's all. I'm a very dedicated Shawol (shinee fan) and Blackjack (2ne1 fan). And I spazz about The Hunger Games (THG) alot, too. Crazy fangirl, that's me.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Blogspot's layouts!
I still not satisfied leh, plus customisation is SO HARD and frustrating I've given up. I mean sure, the chicks are kyopta, but it's not personalised enough. Hoo boy. I'm now officially addicted to being unique. It had to happen some day. But damn, it's just SO DARN FRUSTRATING someone give me an instruction manual... Ugh. The next time you come back I'll probably change back to the stars. Or you just happen to be lucky enough to come in the crazy period of botched up layouts. Ah well.
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was a big, big, big day! (Effie Trinket's initials are ET. Just realised that). And I had a chocolate cake with a hell lotta icing. Jk. But it looked like vanilla, no hint of being a chocolate cake. :P And we put it in the top compartment so the grapes froze completely and the strawberries were friggin' cold! Plus the layer of fruit in the middle was frozen solid and I had to murder the cake to cut it through. XD new cake concept. So unique, I like it. Oh no, I've officially put a tick in normal teenage behaviour: Liking to be unique. Also what Key still does. My mother didn't know how old I was. The salesgirl gave us a spare small candle (did I mention that she guessed that I was twelve on first try?) and she assumed I was 13. I almost told her that I wasn't Korean. And the cake was friggin hard tocut cos my maid kept at the top compartment. When I bit into a grape it was all ice. My strawberry was SOURRRRR and cold till I couldn't take the combo. I ken the sour one, my father got the delicious one. -.-" haiz. I got alot of birthday presents at random times of the year so idk. Won't mention them. Ah boy, now I wish I just had this space for all my kpop stuff without my father forbidding me from liking kpop. My posters are huge. Sigh. On optimistic side, the cake was delicious. :D
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Aegyo: the act of talking childishly-ish and being veeeeeeery cute. 'Nuff said.
Minzy's killer cuteness! You can watch the rest if you want. It's hilarious. :D
BWAHAHAHA Sunyeon cuteness. Notice how Onew's choking out the word 'kyopta' (cute) haha... (peiyi if you're reading this banish all those thoughts from your brain.)
*screeeeeaaaam*!!! "Throw her out of the car!!"
Idk if this is counted. But it's funny! Heh.
Don't get freaked Minho's not always like that (but still LOL.) he was asked to do this for a show. End of his Flaming charisma image in a few seconds. Kekeke.
Minzy's killer cuteness! You can watch the rest if you want. It's hilarious. :D
BWAHAHAHA Sunyeon cuteness. Notice how Onew's choking out the word 'kyopta' (cute) haha... (peiyi if you're reading this banish all those thoughts from your brain.)
*screeeeeaaaam*!!! "Throw her out of the car!!"
Idk if this is counted. But it's funny! Heh.
Don't get freaked Minho's not always like that (but still LOL.) he was asked to do this for a show. End of his Flaming charisma image in a few seconds. Kekeke.
There's no difference!! Pfft. Okay, in Verdana. Cos I like Verdana second. In the previews that is. Hmph.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Hunger Games fanarts

P.S. You gotta admit, the bow and outfit and everything screams Robin Hood. Slap on a feathered cap and she's done.

Gale. Probably preparing a trap. Heh, it's hard to adjust to Gale being an archer after not having read the first book for so long (and I want it !! D:<). Anyways, best fanart of him everrr. Seriously. It's the bomb. Burdgebug's the bomb. Or her drawings are.
All right. Immature idiotic Singaporean Primary school guys... turn away. Stop screeching 'eee' already. Boys aren't meant to be that high even if you're an idiot. All right. Yeah I like this one her favourite character's Peeta so yeah. She still made sth awesome out of a GalexKatniss scene. Priceless.

Gale, Peeta, Finnick. Burdgebug stuck to drawing the good-looking guys. Naow, that ain't fair, is it? Beetee's trap did get them out of the QQ arena (not cute-cute arena. Quarter Quell arena).

Snow, Cinna, Haymitch. Just for your info. In case you're not a Hunger Games fan.
Snow's not pure in THG. Oh noez. Snow is a cruel president and tortures his citizens. *evil laughter* And roses are his symbol. White roses. So, Suzanne Collins apparently has taken every symbol of innocence and perfection and twisted them into the all-time best baddie. *applause*
I didn't really like this one. Her face is...well... weird, in a way. And the dress might be *awesome* really nice but it doesn't have that sparkle (*.*) gemstones are bound to create.
link, in case you're interested in the high quality version.

Boo-yah. That's fanart for you, people.

Flaming Charisma #2 and #3! ;) I like #1 the best of course XD

Gale. Probably preparing a trap. Heh, it's hard to adjust to Gale being an archer after not having read the first book for so long (and I want it !! D:<). Anyways, best fanart of him everrr. Seriously. It's the bomb. Burdgebug's the bomb. Or her drawings are.
All right. Immature idiotic Singaporean Primary school guys... turn away. Stop screeching 'eee' already. Boys aren't meant to be that high even if you're an idiot. All right. Yeah I like this one her favourite character's Peeta so yeah. She still made sth awesome out of a GalexKatniss scene. Priceless.

Gale, Peeta, Finnick. Burdgebug stuck to drawing the good-looking guys. Naow, that ain't fair, is it? Beetee's trap did get them out of the QQ arena (not cute-cute arena. Quarter Quell arena).

Snow, Cinna, Haymitch. Just for your info. In case you're not a Hunger Games fan.
Snow's not pure in THG. Oh noez. Snow is a cruel president and tortures his citizens. *evil laughter* And roses are his symbol. White roses. So, Suzanne Collins apparently has taken every symbol of innocence and perfection and twisted them into the all-time best baddie. *applause*
link, in case you're interested in the high quality version.

Boo-yah. That's fanart for you, people.

Flaming Charisma #2 and #3! ;) I like #1 the best of course XD
Wish I have one large cup full of it now. Haiz, it's so warm is S'pore these days. And I just borrowed a whole pile of libr. books I've yet to tackle. Ma-an. Dawn came back from Korea, and she got me To Anyone!! Chuuu~~! 2ne1's first album... I'm wearing it out, played it sooo many times. Whews. Came with a free poster but I got the exact same photo on my phone. Big deal! I still like it.
Go search for me if ya want. I wonder what's with those random followers. Don't know who they are but they keep coming till I boot them off. I wish WISHWISHWISH they'd increase the character count; not being able to spazz without splitting my post up and deleting vital (but not crucial) words from my post!!!
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Hope it's gonna be like this from now on.
im the dormant one rite?
huh? yeah not just you lah....
haha but mine the most 1-3h one reply hahahahaha.
can't disagree, hehe..
hehe cos im playing games.
or watching tv hahah:0 or studying...:).
nth just kinda surprised kekeke.
lol haha.
haha lol.
huh? yeah not just you lah....
haha but mine the most 1-3h one reply hahahahaha.
can't disagree, hehe..
hehe cos im playing games.
or watching tv hahah:0 or studying...:).
nth just kinda surprised kekeke.
lol haha.
haha lol.
Background change...?
What do you think? Okay, so I may just have a grand total of one person who checks my blog... why the shit am I talking like it's otherwise, I don't know. Just bored, I guess... Haymitch and Chaff drown their sorrows in drink, mine in f(x). I certainly would be depressed further if listening to any other band. Even SNSD. Cos right now, I've entered...nah, slipped off the deep end. wondering if I should continue my self-taught Korean? Wouldn't hurt. But I'm bound to absorb damn little... perhaps resorting to crazier sources of korean would be safer. Idk, look, the topic's gone so awry. Currently my background are those hand-drawn stars. I like it, simple, not glaring, creative. So many different ways to draw a star. But I'm kinda bored right now and am very sick of anything cliché so, yeah, just another element part of the depression package. Guess I should change... should I? I know where to find it so I can always change back later... Oh, who cares, I'm changing it. Argh. I can't wait for Nadya or Pei Yi to come back sia... Blegh. Sometimes, holidays can suck. Alot.
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